Disclaimer: This information is provided as is. There may be errors in this information. You may use this information only if you agree that Minimalist / Coinop.org, its employees, and noted authors will never be held responsible for any damage, injury, death, mayhem, etc. caused by errors in the information. When working with high voltage, never work alone and always follow safety precautions.

Document Title: [DigDug Tech.html (html file)]

Dig Dug Technical Information

Pinouts and switches for "Dig Dug"

                             DIG DUG
      CKT SIDE                             COMP SIDE
      ---------                            --------
      1  GND                               A  GND
      2  +5V                               B  +5V
      3  36 VAC                            C  SOUND 1
      4                                    D  SOUND 2
      5  LED 1                             E  10.6 VDC
      6  LED 2                             F
      7  CTR 2                             H  TEST
      8  COIN AUX                          J  COIN RIGHT
      9  COIN LEFT                         K  2 START
     10  1 START                           L
     11  PUMP                              M
     12                                    N
     13                                    P  LEFT
     14  DOWN                              R  RIGHT
     15  UP                                S
     16  CTR 2                             T  COIN LOCKOUT
     17  GND                               U  COMP SYNC
     18                                    V
     19  VID RED                           W  VID BL
     20  VID GN                            X
     21  + SENSE                           Y  +5V
     22  - SENSE                           Z  GND

    SWITCH BANK #1                                                        

    SW #1   SW #2   SW #3      (Right Coin Door)
    -----   -----   -----
     ON      ON      ON        1 Coin   7 Plays
     ON      ON      OFF       1 Coin   6 Plays
     ON      OFF     ON        1 Coin   3 Plays
     ON      OFF     OFF       1 Coin   2 Plays  
     OFF     ON      ON        1 Coin   1 Play
     OFF     ON      OFF       2 Coins  3 Plays
     OFF     OFF     ON        2 Coins  1 Play
     OFF     OFF     OFF       3 Coins  1 Play

    SW #4   SW #5   SW #6      (Bonus Lives)
    -----   -----   -----
     ON      ON      ON        No Bonus Lives
     ON      ON      OFF       AT 10,000 40,000 & every 40,000   
     ON      OFF     ON        AT 10,000 50,000 & every 50,000
     ON      OFF     OFF       AT 20,000 60,000 & every 60,000
     OFF     ON      ON        AT 20,000 70,000 & every 70,000
     OFF     ON      OFF       AT 10,000 & 40,000
     OFF     OFF     ON        AT 20,000 & 60,000
     OFF     OFF     OFF       AT 10,000

    SW #7   SW #8
    -----   -----
     ON      ON     1 Dig Dug life
     OFF     ON     2 Dig Dug lives
     ON      OFF    3 Dig Dug lives  
     OFF     OFF    5 Dig Dug lives

    SWITCH BANK #2            My Defaults: SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8
    --------------                         OFF ON  OFF ON  ON  ON  ON  ON

    SW #1   SW #2   (Left Coin Door)             SW #3
    -----   -----                                -----
     ON      ON     1 Coin   1 Play               OFF    Normal Game Play  
     OFF     ON     1 Coin   2 Plays              ON     Freeze Game Play
     ON      OFF    2 Coins  1 Play
     OFF     OFF    2 Coins  3 Plays

    SW #4                                        SW #5
    -----                                        -----
     ON        Attract Mode Sound                 ON     Continuation  
     OFF       No Attract Mode Sound              OFF    No Continuation

    SW #6   SW #7                                SW #8
    -----   -----                                -----
     ON      ON     A Easy   Game Difficulty      ON     1 Coin Counter  
     OFF     ON     B Medium Game Difficulty      OFF    2 Coin Counters
     ON      OFF    C Hard   Game Difficulty
     OFF     OFF    D Expert Game Difficulty

Dig Dug Memory Map

This information is provided to help with board debug, and
is not intended to be an attempt to reverse engineer the
hardware. Use at your own risk, this information may
be incorrect.

Source : forgotten, probably schematics, not verified
with disassembly.


   hex     |r/w| D D D D D D D D |
 location  |   | 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 | function
0000-3FFF  | R | D D D D D D D D | CPU 1 rom (16k)
0000-1FFF  | R | D D D D D D D D | CPU 2 rom (8k)
0000-0FFF  | R | D D D D D D D D | CPU 3 rom (4k)
6800-680F  | W | - - - - D D D D | Audio control
6810-681F  | W | - - - - D D D D | Audio control
6820       | W | - - - - - - - D | 0 = Reset IRQ1(latched)
6821       | W | - - - - - - - D | 0 = Reset IRQ2(latched)
6822       | W | - - - - - - - D | 0 = Reset NMI3(latched)
6823       | W | - - - - - - - D | 0 = Reset #2,#3 CPU
6825       | W | - - - - - - - D | custom 53 mode1
6826       | W | - - - - - - - D | custom 53 mode2
6827       | W | - - - - - - - D | custom 53 mode3
6830       | W |                 | watchdog reset
7000       |R/W| D D D D D D D D | custom 06 Data
7100       |R/W| D D D D D D D D | custom 06 Command
8000-87FF  |R/W| D D D D D D D D | 2k playfeild RAM
8B80-8BFF  |R/W| D D D D D D D D | 1k sprite RAM (PIC,COL)
9380-93FF  |R/W| D D D D D D D D | 1k sprite RAM (VPOS,HPOS)
9B80-9BFF  |R/W| D D D D D D D D | 1k sprite RAM (FLIP)
A000       | W | - - - - - - - D | playfield select
A001       | W | - - - - - - - D | playfield select
A002       | W | - - - - - - - D | Alpha color select
A003       | W | - - - - - - - D | playfield enable
A004       | W | - - - - - - - D | playfield color select
A005       | W | - - - - - - - D | playfield color select
A007       | W | - - - - - - - D | flip video
B800-B83F  | W | D D D D D D D D | write EAROM addr,  data
B800       | R | D D D D D D D D | read  EAROM data
B840       | W |         D D D D | write EAROM control

Notes : 

Audio1,6810 is write control for a 32x4 bit ram that (maybe) controls
the sound volume envelope, via IC 2L(4066 cmos switch). This
controls a resistive mixing network. Bit0=10k,bit1=2.2k,
Audio0,6800 is write control for a 32x4 ram that controls
a multi frequency generator circuit.